Conservation Commission Minutes, June 12, 2013

June 12

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan. Excused: Larry Chase, Jason Dudek. Guest: Beth McGuinn, Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT)

ASLPT Update – Nan

The event for Deb Stanley, ASLPT Executive Director, was well attended.

ASLPT is in the process of getting re-accredited. They are analyzing and updating their standards and practices such as mission statement, conflict of interest policy, stewardship methods, legal compliance, etc.

There are new laws on handicap accessibility for trails. ASLPT is developing a new policy to conform to the new law.

ASLPT Update – Beth McGuinn

ASLPT identified their preservation priorities with a focus on agricultural and large blocks of unfragmented land. These priorities were then grouped into six areas in their 13-town catchment area. Meetings (called “Woods Forums”) with landowners in each of these areas will take place throughout the summer and fall. The goal of the meetings is to bring people together to talk about why their land is important to them and what are the options for preservation.

A Woods Forum will be held in Andover on August 13 at the Bluewater Farm. Invitations will be sent to the landowners of larger, undeveloped parcels.

May 28 Combined Meeting: Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Building Inspector, and Zoning Board of Adjustment

Mary Anne attended this meeting. Major topics discussed were:

  • the building permits rules currently in place and if and how they should be changed

  • how enforcement of building and zoning ordinances will be handled

  • GIS capability for Town boards and residents – Tina is the contact

  • a new Town filing system where information will now be filed by map and lot number of parcel. The Conservation Commission’s easement information will need to go into the parcel folders. Mary Anne will work with Marj Roy to complete the initial purge of outdated Conservation Commission records. Tina will review to ensure that essential historical information is saved.

Updates from Prior Meeting

A Legislative update was sent to members after the May meeting. No new discussion on legislation.

Updating of Co-Occurrence Disk

Tina will update the Conservation Commission disk of natural resource layers using the latest tax map.

Wind Turbines

Members read the letter to the editor in The Andover Beacon re: wind turbines. Mary Anne provided a handout, and Tina brought in an article from the Weirs Times – both regarding wind turbine experiences of other towns.

Wildlife Project Planning Update

Members will provide cookies for the Loon Talk on June 19.

The handout of planned events and dates was reviewed.

Proctor/AE/MS: Mary Anne. The planting of the wildlife package was held on May 24 with students from Dave Pilla’s class at Proctor working with teams of one to three second graders from AE/MS. A fun and educational time for all. Photos of the event were sent to all members.

Loon Talk, Photo Exhibit, Bradley Lake, Mooseman: A status report on these projects was submitted by Larry and was handed out at the meeting. All of these projects are on schedule. A number of questions posed by Larry were answered by those present and will be sent to Larry. Larry will send out a draft “letter to landowners” for comment.

Brochures in Library: no progress

Bog Pond: Nan. Nan has toured the area and has been trying to make contact with Emma Carfagno at UNH Cooperative Extension.

Dragonfly Walk: July 31. This project is sponsored by ASLPT. Presenters are Andy and Carrie Deegan.

Forestry Workshop: Jerry. A meeting led by County Forester Tim Fleury will be held on June 18 to determine content, date, and time.

Postage for mailings to landowners: There was consensus that this was an appropriate Conservation Commission reimbursement.

New Items

Mary Anne will work with Ed Spencer on the baseline documentation for those properties where Town of Andover is the easement holder.


  • Updated wildlife planning document showing planned events and dates

  • Information on Wind Turbine issues.