Workshop Details Financing for Alternative Energy Projects

10 AM on October 19 at the Town Hall

By Larry Chase, Andover Energy Group
Vicky Mishcon explains the storage, distribution, and energy-transfer systems recently installed in her basement. Financing for the geothermal heating and cooling system included support from New Hampshire Electric Coop as well as the federal government. Photo: Larry Chase
Vicky Mishcon explains the storage, distribution, and energy-transfer systems recently installed in her basement. Financing for the geothermal heating and cooling system included support from New Hampshire Electric Coop as well as the federal government. Photo: Larry Chase

Interested in installing an alternative-energy system for your home or business, but having problems finding accurate information about the array of loans, rebates, incentives, and tax write-offs that might help pay the bill?

Then plan to attend a workshop on Alternative Financing Strategies for Alternative-Energy Projects on Saturday morning, October 19, in the Andover Town Hall.

And bring your questions.

Hosted by the Andover Energy Group, the workshop will take place between 10 AM and noon and is open to the public at no charge. Refreshments will be served.

On hand to lead the workshop and answer questions will be Tyler Gilday, vice president and director of retail lending at Lake Sunapee Bank, along with a representative from ReVision Energy, a leading installer of solar-electric and solar hot-water systems in northern New England.

The solar-electric (or photovoltaic) panels atop the barn belonging to Andy Prokosch and Susan Schnare was financed in part by a state rebate, a rebate from the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, and a federal income-tax credit. Photo: Larry Chase
The solar-electric (or photovoltaic) panels atop the barn belonging to Andy Prokosch and Susan Schnare was financed in part by a state rebate, a rebate from the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, and a federal income-tax credit. Photo: Larry Chase

At Lake Sunapee Bank, Tyler and his team offer an Energy Efficient Home Loan program. They also offer traditional home equity loans and lines of credit that can be used to finance energy improvements and work with property appraisers to appropriately value buildings that meet certain energy-efficiency standards.

ReVision Energy has recently installed large solar arrays at Proctor Academy and Colby-Sawyer College, along with smaller systems at several Andover residences. A workshop last fall in Andover led by ReVision drew 80 attendees.

The Andover Energy Group is a voluntary organization interested in learning more about, and publicizing, alternative-energy solutions and steps to improve energy efficiency in homes and other buildings.