WCA Celebrates 50 Years Serving Wilmot and Surrounding Towns

Potluck at the Red Barn on October 26

Press release

The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) will celebrate its first 50 years of bringing neighbors together with a potluck supper starting at 5:30 PM on Saturday, October 26 at the Red Barn, 64 Village Road, Wilmot.

Bring your favorite dish to share with your friends and neighbors. The WCA will provide beverages and dessert – a birthday cake.

Historic photos and WCA memorabilia will be displayed.

“We will recognize those who have been on the board of directors, members of the building committee, breakfast cooks and other volunteers. If you’ve served in any of these capacities, please let us know if you plan to attend so we may recognize you,” said Ann Davis, president of the WCA’s Board of Directors.

“We have much to celebrate in the WCA’s Golden Jubilee year,” Davis added. “This evening will provide an opportunity for folks to share their recollections of the WCA with their friends and neighbors.”

Other activities will include recognition of the WCA’s 50th anniversary by elected officials, an opportunity to review old photos, a slide show, and “Guess the Number of Candies.” The winner will receive a big jar full of Werther’s butterscotch – wrapped in gold. Festive decorations will include balloons and favors and games at every table.

The WCA, founded in 1963, enhances the quality of life in Wilmot by providing facilities for educational, social, and recreational programs. In its early years, the organization’s activities included presenting annual plays, sponsoring sports teams, and serving breakfasts on Sunday throughout the summer.

Today, the organization owns and operates the Red Barn, a community center; and Timmy Patten Park, a beach and playground. Current activities range from art workshops to theatrical presentations to supporting local agriculture by serving a luncheon featuring locally grown foods. The WCA also sponsors the Black Fly Blitz, a 5K road race on Memorial Day; and a Holiday Craft Fair the first Saturday of December.

If you plan to attend and want to let us know, please send an e-mail to WCA@nulltds.net or call 526-7934. More information about membership, facility rental, and programs is available at 526-7934. Follow us on Facebook or visit WilmotCommunityAssoc.com.