Andover Gets Health Insurance Marketplace Update

Questions answered by certified navigator

Press release

Approximately 30 Andover residents attended the “Update on the Affordable Care Act” on October 21 and learned about what’s available for New Hampshire residents in the new health insurance marketplace. Donna Toomey, patient advocate and financial counselor at HealthFirst Family Care Center, and also a certified navigator for the new insurance marketplace, answered questions on the process of applying for insurance coverage, how the process works, and how and where to get information on eligibility for financial assistance. She also offered suggestions for working around some of the computer issues that have slowed down the initial online application process.

Donna’s job as a navigator is to help applicants in the Lakes Region work their way through the application process, free of charge. Any residents who would like assistance in finding out about available policies, choosing the one that best fits their needs, and completing the online or mail-in application, can contact her at 934-1464, extension 119.

The informational program was sponsored by the Andover Democrats and the Andover Public Library.