AE/MS Family Letter, November 26, 2013


                                                                                                            November 26, 2013

Dear AEMS Family,

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! There is much to be thankful for in our school and community.

Holiday Shoppe will be held during the school day on Friday, December 13th. The Holiday Shoppe at Andover Elementary Middle School is a favorite tradition that students look forward to every December. It is a one day event when students are able to purchase gifts at very affordable prices for their families and the children get do do this all by themselves. Each class is assigned a half hour slot in which to do their shopping. Donations of gifts are always appreciated.  Trinkets, jewelry, handmade mittens and hats, small tools, sports memorabilia, toys, books, etc. are always popular gifts. Many people are great about thinking of AEMS when out shopping. Christine Frost will once again coordinate the shop. Questions can be directed toward Christine at 735-5500 and items can be dropped off in the school office at any time.

Contact Ellie George immediately if you have not signed up for the Friday Ski/Snowboard Program run by the town of Andover. I was told today was the deadline. Ellie can be reached at 735-5590.

The first Thursday after the long weekend, December 5th, will be the Holiday Concert for students in K-5. It is expected that all students attend unless they have not been in school that day. It will be a quick but festive evening. The fun starts at 6:30!

A more serious, but still festive, concert will be held on Thursday, December 12th, as our band members perform. The entertainment begins at 6:30. I am quite impressed by the band performances I have seen this year. Enjoy!

Slide shows from our Veterans Day assembly and Grandparent Thanksgiving can now be viewed on the school website.

There is no school tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.


Jane Slayton