Letter: Thanks from WCA Craft Fair

Nearly 40 volunteers ensured that the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) annual Holiday Craft Fair held on December 7 was a terrific success. Without their able assistance, it would be impossible to organize and present this event.

First, we extend special thanks to Kathy Neuberger, chairperson of the craft fair, for her tireless work and thoughtful attention to detail.

Partners with the WCA on this event were Pleasant Acres LLC, New London Hospital, Kearsarge Regional High School, Friends of the Wilmot Public Library, and the Wilmot Ladies Aid Society.

Derek Abbott, Barry Camp, and Matt McClay of Pleasant Acres LLC helped haul tables and equipment.

Students from Kearsarge Regional High School helped vendors set up and break down their booths, assisted with the raffle, greeted shoppers, and aided in countless other ways. Their exuberance was infectious and it was a pleasure to work with them. The students included: Alex Akapn, Haley Andersson, Travis Bagley, Francis Carpenter, Brianna Critch, Emily Irick, Katlyn Kleckner, Devi Kraushaar, Jude Prydekker, Melynda Seaholm, Sam Storozuk, Aidan Terhune, and Brittney Wallace.

Other volunteers included: Marion Allen, Janet Baker, Lisah Carpenter, Kristen Ash Chertikhin, Kathy Davidson, Ann Davis, Marc Davis, Roy Finney, John Gutman, Judy Hauck, John Monto, Margaret Monto, Howard Neuberger, Alan Richardson, Jason Richardson, Nancy Schlosser, Rachel Seamans, Kimberly Slover, Todd Slover, and Kathy Van Weeldan.

Our sincere thanks to one and all!

Patricia McGoldrick, Executive Director

Wilmot Community Association