Conservation Commission Minutes, November 13, 2013

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Members Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey (acting chair). Guests Derek Mansell, Sandra Graves. Excused absent: Mary Anne Broshek, Nan Kaplan.

Town Lands

Members voted unanimously to recommend that the Town maintain ownership of two properties in the Bradley Lake watershed. The properties were acquired years ago for non-payment of taxes. Town ownership means no further development on them, which will help protect the town’s water supply.

Members also voted unanimously to recommend that the Town maintain ownership of two other parcels located in the Dyers Crossing area of East Andover. Town ownership can help protect the surrounding wetlands, wildlife corridors, and the undeveloped “gateway” to our scenic rural town.

Responding to a request from Duncan Coolidge to identify potentially dangerous trees on Highland Lake Island, members agreed to discuss at the December meeting.

Planning for 2014

Larry volunteered to arrange a meeting with Hopkinton’s Conservation Commission to learn about that town’s creation of a Village Greenway Trail.

Members supported the offering of a “Climate Change and Wildlife” program. Larry will investigate.

On a motion by Larry, members agreed to discuss other possible events and programs at the December meeting. (See complete listing of potential events/programs in October 2013 minutes.)

Larry reported that he had attended the annual meeting of the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions on November 2. Members voted to thank him for paying expenses associated with his attendance.

Mary Anne, Nan, Jerry, and Tina attended the forestry wildlife program offered by Eric Johnson, Dave Pilla, and Tim Fleury on the Johnson property that same day.

Derek reported his willingness to participate in monitoring of conservation easements held by the Town. These include the Bernhard/Mayman, Taunton Hill Realty Trust, Jones, McDonough, Highland Lake Island, Fairall, and Green Mountain easements, as well as the properties in the Bradley Lake watershed and Dyers Crossing area mentioned above. Mary Anne was said to have the forms needed to document monitoring.

2014 Budget Request

Members indicated that a request of $600, same as last year, for 2014 funds would be made by Mary Anne.