EAVP Gets New Space in a Loft

Room for Dramatic Play and Library

By Elizabeth Janvrin, Director

Happy New Year to all of the Andover community! We ended our year with a very generous, surprise Secret Santa gift. The week before our holiday break, we received a delivery. In our delivery was a classroom loft, which allows us to use an area of our classroom for two learning centers: Dramatic Play and Library.

By adding the loft to our classroom, we have also opened up space to have a more focused and designated Science and Discovery area. We are very excited for the new addition and all of the possibilities that it brings, Thank you, Secret Santa!

Our holiday break excitement was also heightened by a visit from the local traditional Santa. Thank you for making an extra special visit to our preschool!

As I am writing this, we have been working very hard on our re-enactment of The Mitten and our special winter songs for the annual Winter Wonderland Show. The group loves to perform in the classroom and is sure to shine on the stage.

Our classroom discussions have also taken a turn towards dinosaurs, what their names are, and what they eat. With pictures in hand, each child has been using their observation skills to share facts about the various dinosaurs in our small group settings.

There has also been fun measuring dinosaur bones with blocks, stepping inside a Triceratops footprint and using our bodies to measure it, along with using graphs to share our favorite dinosaurs.

Many of us have been learning and practicing the unique dinosaur names as we have played Go Fish, Memory, and Bingo. We have also stepped into the role of paleontologists and been searching for fossils to build dinosaurs.

With the start of the new year, we are beginning to plan our Summer Camp Program and next school year. If you would like more information, please contact us at 735-5105 or EAVP@nulltds.net.