Fifty Years Ago: February 1964

By Heather Makechnie

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie. 

February 6, 1964: Services were held Tuesday for Mrs. Florence (Ross) Morgan, 83, who died Saturday after a long illness. Mrs. Morgan was born in Quebec City and had lived in Andover and Potter Place for 10 years. There are no immediate survivors.

Much sympathy goes to the relatives of Mrs. Florence (Downs) Dodge of Franklin and a native of town. Mrs. Dodge passed away last week. She had attended school here when a girl.

Wilfred Durgin, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Durgin Sr., had his tonsils out last week at the Franklin Hospital.

February 13, 1964: In this issue is published an article by Ralph Chaffee on the burial plots within Andover. In it, Chaffee quotes the Honorable Frank Brown and points out that, while it had been written 65 years ago (now 115 years ago), it is just as true in the current day. Brown said about the Fellows, Rainos, Kenistons, Browns, Emerys, Cilleys, Rowes, Marstons, and other early settlers of our town, “It is astonishing to contemplate the changes, and still more astonishing to see how little the present generation know of those who preceded them. Our fathers who once lived here toiled, suffered, and died, who ‘bore the burdens in the heat of the day,’ are rapidly being forgotten. Could we have filled their places better?”

February 20, 1964: Mrs. Gracia Snyder, chairman of the Heart Fund, has the following people to help her with the drive this month: captain of East Andover, Mrs. Bryant Adams with Mrs. Carolyn Currier, Mrs. Francis Carney, Mrs. Marion Marvin, and Mrs. Gerald Walker. Mrs. Gracia Snyder will cover Andover with Mrs. Carl Richard, Mrs. D. McDonald, and Mrs. John Kirk. Mrs. Dennis Fenton is captain of the Plains. Mrs. Henry Powers, Junior will cover Potter Place with the help of Mrs. Bruce Barrett.

February 27, 1964: Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batman of the Flaghole District on the birth of a girl February 11 at the Franklin Hospital. The baby weighed five pounds, two and a half ounces and was named Roxanna.

Malcolm McDonald of Potter Place has been appointed building inspector in place of Mr. Richard Marvin who has resigned.

Andover PTA met at the elementary school Monday evening with President Gail Sanborn presiding. The teachers’ room at the school is completed, and anyone wishing to see it is welcome.

Andover Youth Fellowship held a covered dish supper Sunday evening at the Molly Bachelder room followed by the meeting. Kitty Miller led the worship services. A color film on “Going Steady” was shown, and a lively discussion was held. There were 21 young folk present, and another supper is being planned for March. It is hoped that even more young people will come then.

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McLeod on the birth of a daughter at the New London Hospital February 19. The baby weighed five pounds, two ounces. The name is Kelly Jean.