Andover Energy Group Minutes, February 6, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Gisela and Steve Darling, Larry and Susan Chase, Jeff Dickinson, Andy Prokosch, Janet Moore, Vicky Mishcon

We began with public lighting. The Selectmen voted to turn off 12 NHEC lights. The Flaghole Road lights, five in all, have become a petition warrant article to be voted on at Town Meeting. The lights in question are property of PSNH.

Commendations go to Susan and Vicky for carrying out the survey. Perhaps the town skating rink, by the library, should employ motion detector lights. Vicky will check on the proposed lights for the Transfer Station; solar might be a possibility.

Should we staff a table in the gym on Town Meeting day? The consensus was a resounding “yes,” as long as we have some exhibit that grabs people. We should contact Ken Wells. Larry has photos from field trips and home installations that would make an inspiring display.

We may be replacing the hot water heater in the bathroom in Town Hall with a tankless unit. Jeff to investigate alternatives.

Andy gave a report on Town bridge replacements. Mike Hansen, from Hansen Bridges, toured the so-called problem bridges with Vicky and Andy and explained how his company could replace our deteriorating ones with timber bridges. Timber bridges fit in with the rural/small town environment and are longer-lasting; they are constructed from renewable materials.

Next, we talked about the municipal energy plan possibilities, points of discussion stemming from two meetings earlier this year at Town Hall with Town officials, interested citizens, and energy company representatives. The Town needs a committee to investigate long-term energy needs for the municipal and school campuses – as a beginning.

Energy consultant EEI has offered to do a free preliminary assessment of energy needs, especially now that the audit has been completed. We want to get the process started and would likely begin with a request to the Board of Selectmen.

In the fall, we would like to offer another open house for alternative energy-updated houses. On Town Meeting Day, we can approach interested onlookers with a quick survey: who would like to come to a residential wind energy workshop?

We threw out possibilities for future road trips.

Other Business: On September 27, a Special Olympics event at Carr Field might provide us with a place to showcase Andover Energy Group interests, according to Pecco Beaufays.

We meet again at the Darlings’ house on Thursday, March 6.