Franklin Area Lions Club Sponsor Pictures With Santa

By Heather Makechnie, for the Beacon

The Franklin Area Lions Club is sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast and Pictures with Santa on Saturday, December 15, from 7:30 to 10 AM at The Soda Shoppe, Central Street in Franklin. The cost is only $5 per person, with the proceeds benefiting community service projects. Have your photo taken with Santa as you tell him […]

Danbury Grange Winter Market Opens November 3

By Mary Fanelli, Danbury Grange

By Mary Fanelli Danbury Grange The first of six Danbury Grange Winter Markets will open at 9 AM on Saturday, November 3, with freshly brewed coffee to accompany a sausage and egg sandwich prepared on site for vendors and early birds. A hot lunch will be offered to those who come later. Meals are reasonably […]

Blackwater Grange #152

By Bernice Nowell, Blackwater Grange #152

Blackwater Grange #152 met on October 11 with Master Nowell presiding. Those present held an auction. Officers elected were: Clayton Nowell, Master; Florence Blay, Overseer; Marjorie Huntoon, Lecturer; Bernice Nowell, Lady Stewart; Margaret Jewell, Chaplain; Marcia McWethy, Treasurer; Bernice Nowell, Secretary; Marjorie Huntoon, Gatekeeper; Charlotte Clark, Cere; Eileen Brennan, Flora; Liz Kirby, Executive Committee, with […]

Big Lots Runs Food Drive For Andover Food Pantry

By Maria Glorioso, Andover Food Pantry

Since volunteering for the Andover Food Pantry, I have become increasingly concerned about the amount of food needed to stock the shelves and the limited funds we have to succeed in this endeavor. Even more alarming is that the people we serve will not have enough food to sustain them in these hard times. I […]

Congregational Church Plans Community Suppers

By Judy Evans, Andover Congregational Church

The Andover Congregational Church is planning to sponsor community suppers in the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover on the third Saturday of each month (except for December.) The one in October was well attended, and people were asking if we intended to do this often. The next meal will be on Saturday, November […]

New Hampshire Circle Of Home And Family

By Judy Perreault NHCHF After what seemed like a very short summer, the Halcyon Seekers resumed their monthly meeting schedule in September. We enjoyed a delicious lunch of dainty sandwiches, chips and pickles, and a decadent chocolate trifle. The view of Highland Lake from the Baker’s porch is superb. A lone heron drifted by against […]

Time To Change Your Smoke Detector Batteries

On Saturday, October 27, the Andover Fire Department will help

Press release

Andover and other participating communities are collaborating with LRGHealthcare for its 12th annual Senior Safety Day. On Saturday, October 27, members of the Andover/East Andover Fire Department are available to visit homes of seniors or those who need assistance with changing their smoke detector batteries free of charge. LRGHealthcare provides the batteries and replacement detectors […]

Two Free Parenting Series Offered For Area Residents

Press release Parenting does make the difference. There is no question about it! The research is clear and conclusive. Recent studies show that active parent involvement impacts and carries over to every part of life. That’s right, parents. You are the unsung heroes! You are making the difference! The Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force knows […]

Danbury Grange Fair A Big Success

By Mary Fanelli Danbury Grange Sunshine and enthusiasm graced the day as fairgoers and participants of the 98th annual Danbury Grange Fair celebrated the parade theme, Heroes and Superheroes. At 11 AM, a long line of parade participants led by our local veterans marched from Restful Road through the center of Danbury and past the […]

Area Organizations Promote Breast Cancer Awareness

Compiled from press releases The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event (see page ??) is one of many area events in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here are a few others: Tanger’s PinkSTYLE Campaign Pink is a bold color so significant that women everywhere know what it stands for immediately – it stands […]