Fifty Years Ago in Andover: December 1964

Post 101 holds its annual Christmas party

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.

Andover School Sets Basketball: The Andover Elementary School Basketball Team is looking forward to its home opener Friday night with Hill Elementary School. Coach Richard Day and his assistant Martin Feuerstein have worked their young charges into competitive condition for a full 10-game schedule by daily practice sessions, topped off by a scrimmage with St. Mary’s of Franklin on Friday, and with Sutton on Saturday.

The team roster for Andover Eagles includes co-captains Gordon Lull and Ralph Lewis, Dennis Ordway, Paul Hersey, Keith Weed, Roger Keniston, Elwin Barton, Jim Shanelaris, Edward Barton, Wayne Coffin, Bryan Johnson, Lynn Kelsey, Bert Kelsey, Steve Johnson, Gregory Lull, Bob Kidder, Wayne Dukette, and Doug Finnie.

On hand for some home games, to give vocal support and encouragement to the team’s efforts, will be the Andover Cheerleaders, captained by Donna Dukette. The other members of the squad are Rebecca Jewett, Ellen Charles, Ann Richards, Donna Keyser, Cheryl Downes, Connie Powers, and Kathey Sharkey. Martin Feuerstein is Class Advisor.

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Tim Frost on the birth of a daughter at the New London Hospital on November 27. The baby weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was named Jennifer May.

Friends and relatives called on Ina Blanchard at the White Maples on Sunday, November 22, to help her observe her 91st birthday.

Margaret and Dennis Fenton and their two girls moved to Scarborough, Maine on Friday. They received a lovely present from 10 of their friends and relatives, who gathered at the home of Beverly and Ed Sawyer in Salisbury for a going-away party.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Day have moved into the apartment on the Paul Fenton farm where Dennis Fenton lived before moving to Maine.

Crosby Gilbert Post 101 of Andover will hold their annual Christmas Party at the School Auditorium, on December 1 at 7:30 PM for all children through the third grade and through eight years of age. Santa cartoons will be shown. Ice cream and cookies will be served to all these children. The party is in charge of Commander Gordon Lull.

Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Gulick of South Casco, Maine, and formerly of Proctor Academy, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Louise Gulick, to 2nd Lieutenant W. Davis Van Winkle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Van Winkle of Summit, New Jersey. Miss Gulick attended elementary school in Andover, graduated from the Waynefleet School in Portland, Maine, and from Middlebury College with the class of 1963, and is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She is now employed by the Geological Survey in Washington, DC.

The fire trucks and firemen were called to the former Eugene home on the Plains on Sunday evening. A hole was burned in the floor by the stove.