ACA to Update Our Town Resource Directory

New edition for 2016

Press release

The newly-formed Andover Community Association (ACA) is planning to update the Our Town directory of Andover resources and services, to be ready with a new edition for 2016. A handy reference for those needing to find a local piano teacher or plumber, to learn the hours of the Andover Public Library or the Town Clerk, to know when the Andover Horseshoe Club or the town Planning Board meets, the directory was most recently published in 2009 by the Andover Service Club to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

ACA’s vision for the updated Our Town is that it will be available both in print and online and will be distributed to all residents as well as available around town. In addition to the types of local businesses now listed, it will include an expanded listing of local farms, locally produced foods, and other “cottage” industries. It will also feature any special skills and expertise of residents, as well as expanded “helping” resources in Andover and the surrounding area for those with various short-term needs.

The first opportunities to sign up for a listing and/or an ad will be at School District Meeting on Monday, March 2, and at Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 10. In addition, anyone who would like to list their business can contact Vicky Mishcon at 735-6402 or

Volunteers will be calling those who have been listed in the past for updated information. Listings will be limited to one line and are free of charge. Businesses and organizations who would also like to place an ad in the directory in order to offer expanded information are welcome to do so.