Members present: Nancy Teach, Co-Chair; Art Urie; Doug Phelps; Pat Moyer; Paul Currier; and Len Caron, alternate appointed to Jon Warzocha’s position.
Also present for duration of appropriate items: Michael and Mary Bourque; Dave Powers, Zoning Administrator; Michael and Lynn Browall; Richard Brewster; Bob Currier
Art Urie stated he has resigned as co-chair.
Dave Powers, Zoning Administrator: Landowner on Pinewood Lane contacted Dave indicating they have a relative interested in purchasing a piece of land-locked property and asking if they could provide a right-of-way. The board indicated that piece of property is not a buildable lot.
Non-Binding Consultation: Michael and Mary Bourque, 138 Pancake Road (formerly Country Pine Furniture) on the corner of Route 11
The Bourque’s presented a Site Plan Review application and advised they have purchased the property and would like to use it for retail sale of wood products, such as pine paneling, shiplap siding, and similar products, and U-Haul rental. There will be no proposed changes to the existing structures; the same amount of traffic as previous owner; lights will be just to illuminate the entrances for security, and there will be utility-type lighting around to the back of the structures.
The board reviewed the application for completeness. Waivers were requested for:
IIB: name and address of persons or firm preparing the map and scale of map, north arrow and date. The map or plan should be signed and sealed by registered New Hampshire Surveyor or Engineer.
IID: Existing grades, drainage systems, structures, and topographic contours at intervals not exceeding 2 feet with sot elevations where grade is less than 5% otherwise not exceeding 5 foot contours.
IIE: Shape, size, height and location of existing structures located within 200 feet of the site.
IIF: Map showing natural and man-made features which are to be retained and/or altered.
IIG: Use (residential or commercial) of abutting properties identified.
IIH: Nature, size and location of all existing public and private utilities.
IIIG: Storm drainage and snow removal/storage plans.
IIIH: Circulation plan of interior of lot with provisions for both auto and pedestrian circulation. Access plans and changes to existing public streets and/or traffic control devices.
IVK: Does offsite noise level exceed 60dBA as measured at the property line?
The board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the application complete. A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 7:30 PM.
Non-Binding Consultation: Site Plan Review – Len Caron for proposed excavation operations on Bridge Road
The board reviewed the Site Plan Review application for completeness. It was advised that noise level of the crusher is needed by the board.
The board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the application complete contingent upon receipt of the noise level of the crusher.
Public Hearing: Lenny Caron –Site Plan Review for proposed excavation operations on Bridge Road
The following concerns were discussed:
Will there be any blasting, as there could be potential damage to wells and foundations in the area? No.
Hours of operation? The response was 8 AM until 5 PM, Monday through Saturday. One abutter would like to see 8 AM until 3 PM on Saturdays. Another abutter would like to see no Saturday hours.
There is concern that truck traffic across the Keniston Bridge would negatively impact the integrity of the historical bridge. While the bridge itself is capable of handling dump truck loads, the historical wooden covered bridge superstructure will be subject to vibrations and stresses from the truck traffic.
Is there any question to the quality of the bridge? The response was it is an E2 bridge and will be able to handle six-wheel dump trucks.
Will there be a bond, and will Wilmot help with any repairs? The response was this is a Board of Selectmen concern.
Safety of sight-seers on the bridge with the additional traffic. The bridge is on the list of New Hampshire historical covered bridges and is frequently visited by people who park their car and walk on the bridge to observe it and take pictures.
Is access via the railroad bridge an alternative? The response was no, the State does not want Lenny using the trestle.
The public hearing was closed. The board will draw up a list of concerns and questions and speak with town counsel. Some of the concerns and questions are:
- Is a Site Plan Review for excavation work conducted by the Town of Wilmot for road maintenance under RSA 155-E required by law?
- Is a bond necessary?
- Does Wilmot need to authorize Lenny to act as their agent for the excavation work on his property in order for the exemption provisions of RSA 155-E-b to apply?
Planning Board Budget for 2016
A budget needs to be drawn up to provide the Selectmen. Board expenses for 2014 and 2015 through October 30 were reviewed by Nancy and Marj, and they agreed on a budget of $23,000, which includes an administrative assistant at 20 hours per week. It was agreed to add $500 for creating a complete Zoning Ordinance document in Microsoft Word format that can be easily edited.
Additional Items
The board feels the Bog Pond Easement should move forward.