Present: Marj Roy, Vicky Mishcon, Jim Delaney, Dave Blinn
Also present: Verizon Wireless Representative Brian Ross; Victor Manougian, McLane Law Firm representing Verizon Wireless; Police Chief Glenn Laramie; Fire Chief Rene Lefebvre; Arch Weathers
Road Agent
Road Agent John Thompson reported that the crew has been working on maintenance projects around town. The fence at the East Andover church has been repaired, and the water line at the Proctor Cemetery is completed.
The Planning Board gave Thompson an updated driveway permit for his review. Thompson is concerned with time constraints with the newer version of the driveway permits. He would like the Planning Board to also consider using an older version that he used when he was previously the Road Agent. Thompson will meet with the Planning Board on September 27 to discuss the forms.
Verizon Cell Tower
Representatives from Verizon Wireless discussed with the Board their interest in putting a cell tower on the Transfer Station Property. Verizon gave the Board a proposed draft of a warrant article that will need to go to Town Meeting for the Town to authorize the lease of a portion of the Transfer Station property.
The parcel leased is typically a 100’ x 100’ (10,000 square feet) plot along with an access road. Verizon will have several representatives at Town Meeting along with a PowerPoint presentation and other information for resident’s questions and concerns.
Procedurally, once the Town approves/adopts the warrant article, Verizon will then negotiate the lease with the Town. When a lease is signed, then Verizon will go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a special exception and any variances. When those are granted, then Verizon will proceed to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval.
The Town will receive a monthly lease fee along with a percentage of the revenue collected from other tenants. The zoning ordinance indicates the maximum height of the pole is 100’ from ground level. That height pole can accommodate approximately three (3) other cell carriers along with space for Andover Emergency Medical Service to place their whips and repeaters.
However, if Verizon proposed an additional 20’ height variance on the pole and it is granted, there will be room for additional sub-leases and thus additional revenue for Andover.
The Board will have Town Counsel review the draft warrant article. It was noted that the warrant article needs to be completed and submitted by early December. The Board took the proposal under advisement and will vote on it at their Monday, October 3, meeting.
Town Administrator
Assistance Payments: Town Administrator Marj Roy gave the Board information to review in order to update and modify the acceptable levels of assistance allowable. Andover established the present levels in 2004, and they have not been modified since. Roy would like to work on this issue at one of the work sessions coming up.
Select Board Work Sessions: Roy set up several additional work sessions in the upcoming weeks to accommodate the Budget Committee’s work. Work sessions will be on the next five Friday mornings at 10 AM starting on September 23 and ending on October 21.
Andover Police Department
Chief Laramie read a letter from a couple from Long Island, New York who visited Andover earlier this month for a wedding. The couple was involved in an automobile accident on Route 4. The couple was very appreciative of the help they received from Andover Emergency Medical Service, Sergeant Mahoney, and especially from Officer Dan Shaw.
They felt Officer Shaw went above and beyond his duties as a police officer and wanted him to receive appropriate recognition. The couple also sent a copy of the letter to the New Hampshire governor.
Budget Committee
Arch Weathers reported that the Budget Committee met last Wednesday evening. The committee did have a quorum and voted on the chairman position. The committee is shy one member, but there is a potential for a full board. Two people are interested in serving on this committee.
Roy presented paperwork for the Board to review and sign for the Property and Liability Program and the Contribution Assurance Program agreement for a two-year period. The Board voted unanimously to sign the agreement.