Board Present: Michelle Dudek, Mark Heller, Misty Sava, Dean Barker and Annie MacKenzie.
Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Christine Barry, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.
Public Present: Tina Cotton
FINANCE REPORT: Mark H motioned to accept the financial report and Annie made the second. All were in favor and the report was approved.
BOARD CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: Michelle stated that the public hearing went well and that there was wonderful attendance. The Assistant Superintendent search is in process and she is participating.
Old Business:
Public Hearing: Mark M. stated that there was a great turnout. A hearing will be held tonight, February 8, regarding a petitioned article to explore sending grades 6 through 8 to Merrimack Valley Middle School. Since it involves additional proposed funding, a public hearing is legally required.
Update on Potential Bond Financing Options: Mark M. continues to explore options and is awaiting further information regarding a local lending prospect.
New Business:
Bus Stop Request: The discussion will be tabled until further information is brought to the ASB.
Manifest Journal Entries to Sign: Dean moved to approve the signing of the manifest journal entries. Mark H. made the second. All were in favor and the journal entries were approved.
Superintendent’s Report: The Assistant Superintendent search is in process. Mark M. stated that the New Hampshire Legislature is currently reviewing several bills relative to education. He is encouraging the community to reach out to their representatives to voice any concerns. He commended the ASB for their communication efforts regarding the Facility Study. Inserts have been distributed in the current Andover Beacon for Andover residents.