Friends of the Northern Rail Trail Minutes, February 16, 2022

Condensed from draft minutes.

Board Attendees:  Alex Bernhard, Amy Chan, Barbara Couturier, George Heaton, Lindy Heim, Charles Martin, Myra Mayman, Ricker Miller, Jack Shields
Committee Member:  Patrice Rasche

Welcome Guest:  Gary LeBlanc, Scenic RailRiders, Concord

Treasurer’s  Report:  With Treasurer Dustin Ladd absent, the Board appreciated Dustin’s Report and Balance Sheet, and, confident that all is in good order, tabled further discussion until the next meeting.

Committee Reports

Trail Building and Maintenance:  With Chair Don Moyer, absent, the Board appreciated Don’s brief email update and tabled further discussion until the next meeting.

Marketing and Promotion:  Chair Lindy Heim, reported that the committee will meet on February 17 to consider a variety of issues.  One was discussed.

As the FNRT logo is in need of a vector-image format, Jack Shields informed us of a volunteer offer from a professional in the field to do so.  The Board is grateful for this offer, and authorized Jack to bring it to fruition.

Technology Committee:  Chair Cody Hussey being out of the country, discussion of this committee’s work was postponed until next meeting.

New Business

A draft letter from FNRT in support of the Merrimack River Greenway fundraising efforts was presented to the Board.  It received hearty, unanimous approval.

Scenic RailRiders:  Gary LeBlanc told us that the northern end of his Scenic RailRiders lease ends in Boscawen where the US Route 4 bridge crosses the Trail.  We thank Gary for his presence and look forward to working together.

Legislative Initiatives:  Alex Bernhard reported the good news that more money, through Federal infrastructure funding, is likely to come to New Hampshire and eventually to trails throughout the state.  In addition, efforts are also underway to propose changes to State law so as to allow highway toll credits to be used as matching funds for projects such as the RTP projects that FNRT undertakes.

The Biggest News:  The New Hampshire Governor and Council has just approved the purchase by NHDOT of the right-of-way for the Extension of the Northern Rail Trail in Boscawen.  This puts the Boscawen Extension of the Trail one step closer to reality!

The next Meeting will be on Wednesday, March 16, at 5 PM via Zoom.