Andover Select Board Meeting Minutes – April 4, 2022

Condensed from approved minutes

Members Present:  Todd Goings; Jim Delaney
Also present for duration of appropriate item:  Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Jon Champagne; Donna Duclos; Steve Barton; and Lisa Meier, Secretary

New Business

Stick Building Informative Session: Barton asked what the pros and cons are of a stick-built versus metal building for the highway garage, as the engineer indicated the committee should consider a stick-built structure.  

Goings replied that the quote they received for a stick-built was an additional $300,000, and in order to change over to a stick-built structure, it would have to come before the town again.  

Barton stated a metal building, in his opinion, is ugly and hard to insulate; however, he is not proposing going one way or the other but wanted it considered.  

He also asked if a stick-built structure went to bid, and the response was no.  He asked why, and the response was it was too late and the committee handled everything.  Barton responded he was on the committee and was not notified of this.  

Champagne indicated this came from Jim Hanson, the committee chair.  Goings replied the Board went by the committee’s recommendations.  Champagne stated from a financial standpoint, it makes more sense to go with a metal structure and recommended Barton speak with Hanson.  

Barton stated that building was supposed to be considered in the future and asked who bid on a stick-built structure.  Champagne replied they used the basic standard of what municipalities currently use.  Barton asked if any contractors in town were asked to bid, and Goings replied that it has not gone out to bid, but the Board had to give a figure to the town. 

Barton replied that town contractors did not get to give a quote, and Goings replied the Board got the information from the committee, and the figure was over what was expected.  Delaney stated that the budget was $650,000, and the asking price was $750,000, and he recommends to get quotes for a stick-built from local contractors and go from there.  

Champagne asked if the Town is locked in with a metal structure. Barton stated he commends the Board for the presentation and moving forward; he is not opposed to a metal building; however, he would like to know if the Town could go with a stick-built structure at this point where the town voted on a metal building.  

He also asked how the Board came up with the figure they did.  Goings replied they went with comparable buildings in other municipalities.  Roy read the Warrant Article that the town voted on, and it does not indicate stick-built nor metal building.  Duclos asked when the specs will be put out to bid, and Goings replied one to two months.

Road Agent Report: An estimate was received from Belmore Catch Basin Cleaners at $185 per hour and advised that eight hours would be satisfactory.  Goings asked if he spoke with New England Basin and Champagne replied yes, however they are more expensive. 

A quote was received from R&D Paving.  Barton asked why they are considering adding more paved roads if Champagne previously stated that it is more expensive to maintain a paved road, and Barton believes it is more important to bring the currently paved roads back to where they are supposed to be.  

Goings stated that RSMS was done, and a half-mile of paving on Flaghole Road is to be done in 2022 for $130,000, and then Maple Street is scheduled to be done in 2026.  Barton replied that Maple Street won’t exist by 2026 if they wait until then. 

Delaney asked if the Board could look at a highway bond for paving.  Barton asked why the dirt roads don’t get graded and then rolled, as it would extend their life. Champagne agreed that it would add to their longevity.

Road sweeping has started.  Goings asked why they were sweeping the roads at 8:30 PM, and Champagne replied he was unaware of this and would address it.  Goings stated there is to be no more overtime by the Highway Department.

Other items:

  • They are still grading the roads, and they are adding gravel as needed.
  • Roads are still posted.
  • There has been a complaint on Currier Road.
  • Champagne went over the Code of Conduct with the Department.
  • A spare broom has been ordered.
  • The 550 needs a new tank, as it is leaking.
  • The International is going in for an oil change, and the spinner shaft broke from hitting a hole.
  • Delineators have been ordered.

Champagne asked for the figures for the mowing budget.  Goings stated that small items such as nuts and bolts are impacting the budget and stated that they have already spent $350 just on antifreeze, grease, and shop towels to date.

Trash Compactor: Delaney asked if the compactor is original, and the response was yes. Roy stated that Naughton inspects the trailer once per month at a cost of $75 per hour, and the price is going to increase to $150 per hour.

Municipalities SB 249: Roy stated that there will be a hearing on April 7, and this bill will limit what towns and cities can do pertaining to vacation rentals.  The vacation rentals are creating additional police time and budgeting in some cities, and this bill would completely eliminate the ability of towns and cities to limit and regulate short-term rentals. 

The State is requesting the Select Board provide a letter advising they are not in favor of the bill.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of sending such letter.

Beaver Deceiver: There was a Beacon article indicating Michelle Lambert continues to oversee the maintenance, and the Board needs to determine if this can happen from a liability standpoint.

Cemetery Trustees: Delaney stated that there is $3,600 allocated for cornerstones at the cemetery and $1,500 for hedge trimming, and the department would like permission to spend this money. Goings stated he would like a quote.

EMS Grant: Andrew Perkins previously came before the Bboard in regards to the grant he applied for and got, and it has now been indicated that the total amount needs to be paid out, and then the Town would get reimbursed.  It was originally indicated that the Town would be paying 10% of the cost, and the grant would cover the rest of the cost.  

Perkins would need to get a Purchase Agreement or provide a sufficient obligation and then show proof of payment.  The Board would like to speak with Perkins to find out where the 10% or $5,000 is coming from.

Old Business

Highway Supervisor: MRI provides temporary employees for towns that are short-staffed, and they will provide Andover with information.  The person would be in Andover 1 to 1½ days per week, and they would send someone solely to “plan” at $95 per hour.  

Jeff Hayes suggested the Town might want to share a Road Agent with another town.  Goings asked if MRI would help the Town do a search for a Road Agent, and the response was yes.

Paving: Goings met with the paving company and asked if they would be cutting and matching, and the response was no, just rolling into it, and Goings believes this is unacceptable.  Goings recommended sending a letter to District 2 asking for aprons to be done when paving.

Town Administrators Report: The Office Assistant position has been filled.  The Deputy Town Clerk / Tax Collector position has been filled.  Roy would also like to welcome Jim Delaney as a Select Board member.

Roy advised that the Town credit card has had fraudulent charges.  The card has been canceled and a new one received. 

A resident was referred to the Care Program at NHEC. Three residents were assisted with General Assistance forms.

An email was received from Bruce Davis of Allstate regarding Road Maintenance 101 for Highway Departments and another email offering to meet with the Road Agent and Select Board.

Met with Mary Anne Broshek regarding Granite View Online Mapper. Worked with Plodzik and Sanderson to conclude the 2020 financial audit. Received an intent-to-cut from Ragged Mountain Fish and Game. Sent a letter regarding a Current Use violation.

Attended three webinars related to requirements for compliance and reporting in the American Rescue Plan Act, and attended and received information regarding grants for municipal projects.

Signatures and Correspondence:  A thank you was received from Kathy Ordway and Larry Chase regarding the Hub.  Applied procedures were received from the auditors regarding the audit on Charity Robinson ex-town clerk / tax collector.

A notice was received from the Purple Heart Community Project.  Roy will contact them. A letter was received from Concord Regional Solid Waste regarding a joint board representative and alternate.  Currently Mark Stetson is our representative, and we need to appoint an alternate.  Delaney recommended Ken Tripp.  Goings recommended someone from the Transfer Station.  Roy will work on this.

Signature needed for a Post Closure Report for the old landfill.  Goings signed the report. Solar exemptions were signed. A waiver for interest and penalties was signed. A pole license along Dyers Crossing Road was signed. Three sign applications were received and signed for Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust.

The Board would like a letter sent to Michael Campbell regarding his application for the Highway Supervisor position.