Andover Snowmobile Annual Italian Buffet

Saturday, January 27, 5:00 to 6:30 PM

By Sue Nelson
Come to the annual Italian Buffet on January 27!

Come to the Annual Italian Buffet, on January 27, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM, at the Andover Elementary Middle School, Main Street,

Andover. The cost is $15 per person (children 6 and under eat free). Enjoy spaghetti, meat sauce, meatless sauce, hot Italian sausage, four-cheese lasagna, tossed salad, garlic bread, dessert, and drinks.

The Door Prize drawing will be held at 6:30. Then the 50/50 drawing will be picked. Immediately following is the 100-plus multi-item raffle. 

All proceeds benefit “Camp Easter Seal” (Camp Sno Mo) in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. Camp Sno Mo provides camping for handicapped/special needs children/young adults. Club Memberships will be available. Club Clothing will also be available and orders will be taken.