Cemetery Trustees seeking new members

By Cheryl Swenson

Long standing members, Beth Frost and Jim Reed are retiring from their positions on the Cemetery Trustees Board. I appreciate their dedication and their work serving on this committee. Their input has been invaluable. The Trustees are seeking TWO new members to assist with overseeing the maintenance of our many cemeteries within Andover.
The Cemetery Trustees are charged with the responsibility of operations and administration of the cemeteries, to determine policy, to keep records of burials and keep cemetery maps current, to supervise and advise the Sexton and the Grave Digger as needed. The Trustees determine the yearly budget for anticipated work to maintain the cemeteries.
Join the Trustees and learn where all the cemeteries are; be involved in maintaining Andover’s two active cemeteries; assist in the restoration of the gravestones; and take part in placing flags on our veterans’ graves. This is an elected position. If you would like to serve you must make a declaration to run for the position at the Town Office.
If you would like more information or have questions please contact Cheryl Swenson at