Candidates – Selectmen: Leonard “Lenny” Caron

Town News - Town Meeting - Candidate - Selectmen - CaronI’m Leonard “Lenny” Caron. I’ve lived in Andover for almost 30 years. I’ve been in the logging and construction business all of my life.

I once was your friendly road agent, and I am currently a member of the Planning Board and the Capital Improvement Committee.

I know the fiscal part of the town – roads, bridges, Transfer Station – and I feel that it would be a big help to the town if we had someone on the board with that knowledge.

To learn more, I attended a lot of the Selectmen meetings as well as some of their workshops this past year. I have more to learn and will, like every new member has to.

I’d like to put the brakes on changing things so we can catch up, fix, or finish the things that we’ve already started.

To keep strength in the tax dollar, I’d put our up-coming projects out for bid with hopes that our own capable people get the job.

I’d like to get the town back to running smoothly again, run the town in the best interest of the town and its people, keep things as simple as can be, do away with the wasteful spending, and make sure the town gets its money’s worth. Progress is important.

With that, I’ll thank you for your votes.