Candidates – School Board: Michelle Dudek

Town News - Town Meeting - Candidate - School Board -  DukdekOur town has a lot to be proud of, and Andover Elementary/Middle School is a huge part of what makes Andover great. As a mother of two school-age children, an educator, and a resident of East Andover, I have enjoyed serving on the Andover School Board for the last three years. In this capacity I have served as a member of the Budget Committee, as vice-chair and chair of the School Board, and as vice-chair of the SAU board.

In the last few years, the Andover School District has seen great changes such as full-day kindergarten and technology upgrades. We have also been faced with financial challenges such as increases in retirement, health insurance, and transportation costs. Each year the Andover School Board strives to balance the needs of our school with the town’s ability to raise taxes. We have a responsibility to keep the budget manageable and our school great.

I am excited for the opportunity to continue serving on the Andover School Board. I look forward to working for our town and our kids and to make their future great.