Candidates – School Board: Dean Barker

Town News - Town Meeting - Candidate - School Board -  BarkerI am running for School Board because I believe Andover Elementary/Middle School is one of the best schools in New Hampshire, and that compels me to want to serve.

My experience may lend me perspective on the various strands of what makes up a school community. I’ve lived in Andover and been a property taxpayer here for eight years. I have a child at AE/MS. I am a public school teacher in a neighboring district, where at various times I have been responsible for balancing department budgets.

Additionally, I spent seven previous years on the faculty at Kimball Union, a school not unlike Proctor Academy; having lived as both a boarding school faculty member and, currently, as a homeowner in town, I’ve seen “town-gown” relations with the local public school from both sides.

The greatest investment a town can make in its future is its school. As the saying goes, it costs less to guide a child to success than to repair an adult. I’ve witnessed parents make decisions on where to live based on the quality of a school for their children. I’ve also seen how the excellence of a school is often associated with local control of its stakeholders, the tireless dedication of an experienced staff, and selfless community volunteers.

Conversely, I am keenly aware as a property taxpayer that striving for excellence must be balanced by doing so within our means.

Thank you for reading and for considering my candidacy.