NH House District 1, Democrat, Mary Anne Broshek

Opinion - Op Ed - BroshekI am a write-in candidate for the September 13 Democrat primary. I live in Andover on the farm my parents purchased in 1951. I worked for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services for nearly 30 years, ending as the Director of Family Assistance. My division determined eligibility and benefits for 30+ public assistance programs. We won almost $32 million in Federal High Performance bonuses for efficient and effective program design and benefit delivery.

I am a fiscal conservative and social liberal. I will listen to and learn from everyone and continue the “Notes from Concord” to keep people informed.

Locally, I have been involved with the Andover Historical Society, the Andover Master Plan draft committee, The Andover Beacon, and am currently on the Andover Conservation Commission.

I support:

  • Medicaid expansion, which has helped close to 50,000 people
  • Funding Planned Parenthood; I know from experience how their services have helped women and New Hampshire families
  • Closing corporate tax loopholes that would have provided New Hampshire with an additional $98 million in revenue (2011).

If elected I will:

  • Use my experience to improve the health and well-being of New Hampshire residents and work to maintain our high ranking (#4) of Best State to Raise a Child
  • Continue working with Town officials and the State to ensure that there is funding to maintain roads and bridges
  • Place a priority on lowering property taxes and stopping the State from downshifting costs to municipalities
  • Promote funding for public education
  • Protect the natural resources of New Hampshire
  • Continue the fight to overcome the drug crisis

For more information, contact ElectBroshek@nullgmail.com.