Andover After School Program December News

By Shawna Otis

The past couple months at the  Andover After School Program have been full of fun and excitement! We have had two late-night Fridays, which consisted of pizza and dessert, movies, and fun activities like pillow fights and paint-in-a-bag (who knew something so simple could be so much fun!?). These nights are open to the public, so keep an eye out if you’d like your child to join in on the excitement. We made our own whipped cream by shaking a mason jar and enjoyed it with fruit. We loved being outside in the warm weather as long as we could and loved jumping in leaf piles that the kiddos raked up themselves. Dance parties and jump-roping have become activities that we all love to take part in, staff included! And this month, we have realized many things that we are thankful for by focusing on gratitude and mindfulness- we created our own Thankful Tree and made leaves every day in the month of November and we loved our mindfulness game that made us realize that even when we think we are having a bad day, life is still good.

Our next Date Night is December 22nd and our next community fundraiser is January 27th. Mark your calendars now! We have a lot planned and we cannot wait to share more with the community. If you are interested in volunteering, looking for employment, interested in using our building, or looking for after school care, please contact Shawna Otis, Director, at or 603-735-6566.