Andover Conservation Commission Minutes

June 12, 2019

By Jenny Bodwell

Present: Jerry Hersey, Jenny Bodwell, Mary Anne Broshek, Alan McIntyre, Jesse Schust and Lee Wells. Mary Anne will not be here next month, and Jesse will put together the agenda.

Minutes: Jesse made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, Jerry seconded, and all approved.

Right to Know Act: Alan will put the Guide to Open Government on our Google drive.

Correspondence: NHDES newsletter for May and June
Merrimack County Conservation District  invitation to annual dinner
Spring 2019 issue of “Supply Lines”- NHDES Drinking Water and Ground water Bureau newsletter
Division of Forest and Lands letter advising of timber cut on 49 acres of Ragged Mtn. State Forest in Andover.

ASLPT Update: We received a letter regarding their dinner.  Lee attended the ASLPT training on monitoring conservation easements.

May and Upcoming Events: May events were presentations on Beavers and Bats. Nan will talk to David Blinn about the beaver deceivers and concerns some town residents have expressed about the role of beaver deceivers in the Elbow Pond washout.  When CC members held the October 3, 2018 special meeting on Elbow Pond, we were advised that the beaver deceiver was a neutral factor in the washout- it did not cause it nor did it help to prevent it.

Forestry workshop will be on June 29 at the end of Tucker Mountain Road- rain or shine.

Articles for the Beacon: Alan will write either two separate articles summarizing the bats and beavers presentations, or one article on both. Jenny will write an article on the importance of wetlands as well as types and kinds.  Mary Anne will send Jenny the 2017 article on environmental practices for boating and Jenny will edit and resubmit the article for July. Lee will write an article on the CC website.

Rt. 4 Logging: Jenny will continue to research and learn more about this operation. We have been notified of concerns of the driveway eroding into the wetland, and how the logs are getting to the operation: through the wetland, or over the road.

Transfer Station Concerns: Jesse spoke with Rich Gross and Debbie about his comments at an earlier CC meeting.  They advised Jesse that the Transfer Station does not currently have water and they do not currently have the capacity to spray things, as they bring water in a jug. They stated that they would never hose down the hopper, as the water would add weight, and could damage gears and other mechanics.

DES Mapper and Looking up Permits: Jenny showed the CC how to look for the state permits that we should be receiving and reviewing.

Wetlands permit:  Jerry talked to Sophie Viandier and she will not need a permit as the driveway is no longer needed.

Bog Pond Mapping: Elizabeth Harper has offered to help Jesse learn how to use QGIS to produce a map of Bog Pond that shows wetland boundary, 50 foot buffer, snow mobile trail, forest easement buffer and adjacent wetlands. If Jesse is not able to complete the map, we will hire a professional map maker.   Mary Anne made a motion to spend up to $250 to have Eric Fontaine produce the map of Bog Pond boundaries and buffers. Alan seconded, and all approved the motion. Jesse will work on getting the conservation easement line defined with a goal of presenting to the Select board by their second August Meeting.

Bog Pond Wetland Marking: Jesse and Alan will put in the permanent metal markers on June 17, with a rain date of the 19th.

Town Clerk and Wetland Permit Notification:  Jenny will speak to the town clerk, and make sure that we are receiving all the permits that we are supposed to. We have not been receiving any permits. Jenny will designate herself as the person for the town clerk to use as a resource, and where the Clerk may direct any questions. Jenny will report back to the Conservation Commission.

Wetlands Ordinance: Mary Anne has yet to get any comments on her ordinance from the first sending to DES experts, Derek and Tina. She will resend it.

Highland Lake Loons: Jenny will email Donna about not putting up caution tape, which will stress out the loons.

Co-Occurrence Map: Alan heard back from Harvey Pine. He will be back July 4 and will check in mid-July.  Mary Anne will resend to Alan all the information on how the 2010 co-occurrence map was done.

Water Quality Meeting: Mary Anne is setting up a meeting for an hour presentation July 20, 2019 at 4pm on a new program developed by NH Lakes.  The program is called Lake Smart and teaches and trains lake side property owners how to prevent run off and pollution into their lake.

White Oak: No news yet on when ownership of this property will be transferred to the town of Andover.

Organization: Mary Anne will meet with Alan to figure out how to get all the documents she has on her computer onto the Google drive.

Tina Cotton requested to move to an alternate member position.  Mary Anne made a motion that Tina move to alternate and that Lee Wells becomes a full member on the conservation commission. Jesse seconded, and all were in favor.

Other:  Proctor has hired a new forester.

Jesse made a motion to adjourn at 9:08 PM, Jerry seconded, and all were in favor.