Andover School Board Approved Minutes, August 13, 2019

By Judith Turk

AUGUST 13, 2019
6:30 p.m.

1. ROLL CALL AND CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Board Chair, Dean Barker.

Board Present:  Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Theresa Georges and Aimee Menard.

Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Robin Heins, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.

Public Present:  Bob Norander


For the PUBLIC SESSION of June 4, 2019, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Brian made the second.  All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.


4.  BOARD CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT:  Dean stated that he is looking forward to the new school year.  He inquired as to whether the veto of the state budget to pass would affect current educational/grant funding.  Mark stated that it would not impact federal grant funding.

5.  PRINCIPAL’S REPORT:  Jane stated that enrollment is presently at 246 to open up the new school year since 22 additional students have registered.  She is thrilled with the new staff members hired, including Diane Adams as the Permanent Substitute, Stephanie Bendixsen as the First Grade Teacher replacing Michael Wiley who is transitioning to Technology Integrator and Joshua Cota, Special Education Paraprofessional.  The Fourth of July town celebration involved many Andover Elementary School students. A former AEMS student is pursuing his Eagle Scout project which would involve illuminating the flags in town. She also mentioned some professional development opportunities that she has attended this summer.  Kindergarten Open House, the first day of school and AEMS Open House are quickly approaching.


A.  Summer Facilities Update:  Summer projects have included courtyard improvements, stair treading replacement, security camera installation, paving in the entrance and on the front stairs, boiler cleaning and inspection.  Discussion took place regarding the uncertain longevity of the current boiler system.


    A. Personnel Update:  New hires were mentioned in Jane’s report.  The SAU is in receipt of the resignation of Andrew Tyler, previous Technology Integrator.

    B. Oil Bids:  Two bids were received.  Aimee made the motion to accept the lower of the two bids with Huckleberry, Inc. at 2.25 per gallon.  Brian made the second. All were in favor and the motion was approved.

    C. School Lunch Prices:  Mark and Robin explained that it will be necessary to raise school lunch prices due to the impact of government reimbursement to the schools. This will not affect free/reduced lunch.  Aimee made the motion to approve the student lunch price increase to $2.25 and the adult price increase to $3.25. Brian made the second. All were in favor and the motion was approved.

8.  MANIFEST JOURNAL ENTRIES SIGNING:    Aimee made the motion to approve the journal entries. Brian made the second. All were in favor and the journal entries were approved with no discussion.

9.  SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT:  Mark is in the process of creating the AEMS staff welcome back letter.  He spoke of the Alma Student Input System/Communication Tool entering year 2 and the potential for online student registration in the near future.  He is looking forward to the new school year.

10.  ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Randy stated that his focus this summer was on the transition of some technology hardware, updating licenses and improving accessibility, including working with increasing bandwidth for security/surveillance purposes.

11.   ADJOURNMENT:  Brian moved to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. and Aimee made the second.  All were in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Turk