Andover Select Board January 6, 2019 Approved Minutes

By Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary

The Board met at 5:30 PM for a Non-Public Session. Roy took minutes for this session.

The Board re-convened the Public Meeting at 6:35 PM.

PRESENT:  Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Chuck Keyser, Select Board Chair, Bill Keyser and Dave Blinn Members; and John Thompson, Road Agent
Also present was Todd Goings

TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT by Marj Roy (see attached)
Town Administrator/Town Manager – Roy explained the significant difference between the duties of a Town Administrator and a Town Manager by reading a prepared paper.
Personnel Policy Manual – It is recommended this be updated yearly. Roy continues to work on updating the manual and should have a new copy for the Board’s review and editing in the next few months.
Overtime Policy – Roy read the newly drafted policy which she expects the Board to officially adopt at tonight’s meeting. See attached.
Legislative Update – Roy will have it for the next meeting on January 20, 2020.

ROAD AGENT REPORT by John Thompson
North Street – Proctor notified Roy that part of North Street has not been sanded for the last three storms. The last storm Proctor sent their own truck to sand. Thompson explained that they use more salt on that street due to the high foot traffic. Thompson will speak with the plow driver to make sure North Street is cared for during storms properly.
Transfer Station – Thompson will check with the snow plow driver to make sure it gets plowed and sanded even if the Transfer Station is closed.
Time Sheets – Roy told Thompson the time sheets need more than just the number of hours worked. The time sheet needs to indicate the actual time they start and finish work. Thompson already addressed this with the workers. 
Mileage – Mileage needs to be noted on a separate sheet, not on the workers time sheet. Roy will draft a mileage form for their use
Lawrence Street Bridge – Hoyle Tanner and Associates prepared the Fee and Scope for the Design Phase of the project. The Preliminary Design will take 36 weeks at a cost of $110, 000. The Final Design will take 26 weeks at a cost of $84, 000. The total for the Design Phase is $194, 000.  Roy expects the Design Phase will start in January after the Board signs the agreement at tonight’s meeting.
White Oak Pit and the Department of Transportation/State Approved Sand Agreement – The State will allow the Town to remove up to four thousand cubic yards for the Winter of 2019-2020 through March 31, 2020. If the conveyance of the property does not
happen, the Town must reimburse the State for the sand used. The Board made Thompson aware accurate sand use records must be kept as the State may request those records without notice. Blinn noted the Town complied with every requirement the State requested to acquire the White Oak Pit property. The Town is only awaiting the State Executive Council’s approval for the conveyance. final approval of the conveyance from the State’s Executive Council. Roy noted that the Purchase and Sale Agreement is signed and although the closing did not happen in 2019, the $51,100 funds are encumbered.
Northeast Tire Invoice – Thompson agreed it was a Highway Department expense.
Employee Licenses – Roy needs to make copies of Thompson’s Department workers for the Winnipesaukee Drug Consortium. Roy will also make copies of their medical cards. Thompson will have the workers come in tomorrow so Roy can put those in the personnel files

Letter from Avitar regarding the PSNH settlement agreement for the years 2014-2016. PSNH paid less than expected. The Board will need to sign an abatement form at the next meeting on Monday, January 20, 2020.
Letter from Riverbend Community Mental Health requesting $3,500 in funds. Last year Riverbend service increased to 61 Andover clients, both adults and children. The $3,500 is the cost of care for one client. The Board agree to put the $3,500 into the General Assistance budget for 2020.
Letter from Plodzik and Sanderson – Representative Report for the 2018 Audit – (4 pages) Signed by Chuck Keyser as the Chair.
Fee and Scope Design Phase agreement with Hoyle Tanner and Associates – signed by Chuck Keyser as the Chair.
Letter from Bradley Lake Summer resident regarding the increase and decrease property value letters they received from Avitar. Roy contacted Avitar who then sent Roy a copy of the explanation letter which was sent to the resident by Avitar.
Notice for a Regional Impact Hearing for a Cell Tower in Gilmanton.
Payroll Manifest – Blinn signed prior to tonight’s meeting. The Keysers signed during tonight’s meeting.
Accounts Payable – (single check) Blinn signed prior to tonight’s meeting. The Keysers signed during tonight’s meeting.
Accounts Payable – (full) Blinn signed prior to tonight’s meeting. The Keysers signed during tonight’s meeting.
Civic Plus Contract – Formerly Virtual Town – Yearly contract for $1500 which is the same amount as last year’s contract. Chuck Keyser signed as Chair.
Tax Collector Warrant for Land Use Change Tax- Henderson – Valley Road  $8, 270 Map 16-364-564 Signed by all three Select Board Members.
Stonehill Municipal Solutions – Annual bookkeeping support contract as an “As Needed” basis at $57 per hour.
Buswell Property – Two (2) Certified letters plus regular mail sent to interested party were returned unclaimed.

Roy received a letter from Robin Heins, the School Administrative Unit Business Administrator. Heins requested permission from the Select Board for funding support for a generator for the Andover Elementary/Middle School which will be used in the case of an emergency as a warming center/shelter. Heins understood that the Town wanted to help with funding.

Heins will look into applying for grants, but will need the Town’s permission for a portion of the funds. After discussion, the Board agreed that in the future it might be feasible, but not at the current time.

By Court Order, the town has permission to condemn only the building/house itself at this time.  However, the building needs an asbestos testing before demolition. The Town Attorney advised Roy that the vehicles around the property are a different issue. The Town Attorney submitted those papers and Mr. Parr was served with the notice papers. The Court Hearing was to take place on Thursday of this week, but the Court continued it.

After review and discussion of the Overtime Policy, Blinn made the motion to adopt the policy. Bill Keyser seconded the Motion. All in favor. The Overtime Policy is adopted. See attached

After review of the December 16, 2019 minutes, Bill Keyser made the motion to accept and approve the minutes as amended. Chuck Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The December 16, 2019 minutes are approved as amended.

Moyer distributed the yearly Select Board 2020 meeting schedule for their review and approval. The Board reviewed and made no correction. Moyer will finalize the schedule and post it.

The Board entered into Non-Public Session at 7:40 PM by Roll Call Vote:
Chuck Keyser YES Dave Blinn YES Bill Keyser YES
Chuck Keyser excused Moyer at 7:40 PM Roy will take the minutes for the Non-Public Session.

Minutes Prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary