Republican Primary – Representative in Congress

Lynne Ferrari Blankenbeker

By Lynne Ferrari Blankenbeker
Lynne Ferrari Blankenbeker, Republican Candidate for Representative in Congress.

Hot Topic: Covid-19

After serving in the US military as a combat nurse and working on the frontline of New York City on the USNS Comfort, I am able to be a part of the healthcare delivery system and the rapid response to the high issue areas of the virus. President Trump broke down multiple regulation barriers that allowed health care professionals from all over the US to help New York and be at the necessary point of care. We have and continue to learn a lot about the American healthcare system and restrictive regulation that come along with it.

We also realized the impact of our high dependence on China. I plan to be on the Science and Technology committee in Congress. We need a full investigation of China and its impact on the United States. Effective policy needs to be developed that aligns with the data and holds those harmful actors responsible.

Hot Topic: Government Gridlock

Throughout the last four years, we have seen a Congress that has constantly seen gridlock with our current administration. Throughout my 34 years in the military, I have worked alongside individuals of all demographics and opinions. Even with those differences, we all come together to complete the mission. I see my future in Congress to be representative of that mentality; reaching across the aisle to accomplish effective policy for the benefit of New Hampshire. If over 2 million individuals in the military can come together and work as a team to accomplish a task, 435 representatives should be able to as well.

Hot Topic: Health Care

Being the only candidate with 34 years of healthcare delivery and policy, I am the best candidate to bring reform to the Granite State. I will bring healthcare to the population of the Granite State that is high quality, accessible, and affordable. Some of the first items we need to address in order to fix our healthcare system are reducing burdensome regulations, expanding the free market to purchase plans across state lines and drive competition, tort reform, value-based care incentives, and holding big pharma accountable.