Andover Conservation Commission Minutes – September 9, 2020

By Nancy Robart

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Jesse Schust, Alan McIntyre, Nancy Robart


New Hampshire Fish and Game (NHF&G) requesting wetland waiver to improve road for forestry operations to be done during winter months. Area located near Morey Pond Trail. Deferred decision to New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES).

Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club submitted notice that a culvert replacement was being done on the road access to Cole Pond due to damage. This is the main access road to the community. Info only, no Conservation Commission (ACC) action needed

Hopkins/Adder Pond Testing: Nancy did not follow up with Amanda McQuade, will do before next meeting

Beaver Deceivers (BD): Lengthy discussion on the need to establish protocol for BD monitoring, reviewing long term budget needs specifically for BD, clarify role of Road Agent in BD management/dredging, work towards a contract with Skip clarifying roles and expectations regarding BD management, clean up to include a written report after work done.

Formalize communication between Town and Road Agent on how to address differing points of view on the  Beaver Deceivers, including need to define what is a “failed BD,” clarifying anticipated maintenance.

Historical information is needed on when each BD was installed and tracking system for funds used for BD work, which is not currently available.

Alan will contact Skip regarding his bill for services done on Emory Road BD, as no bill has been submitted for work done: debris removed, culver extended, crib replaced.

Alan will create a database including location and other monitoring criteria for monthly inspections of BD, including pictures of in/out flow. Inspection will not include water level measuring at this time.

ACC members agreed to the following BD sites, inspection to be done prior to the next month’s meeting. Jerry: Valley Road. Tina: Emery Road. Alan: Bridge Street and Proctor. Jesse: Elbow Pond Road and Valley Road. Nancy: Switch Road and Flaghole Road.

Bog Pond Wetlands: Harvey Pine, faculty at Colby-Sawyer College, will be contacted by Jesse as to availability of students working with ACC on this project. Further discussion at the next meeting.

Beech Hill Road: Arch Weathers’ concern regarding logging truck activity was discussed. No action taken at this time.

White Oak:  Site visit done on August 17 from 6 to 7:30 PM. Members of ACC present: Lee Wells, Jesse Schust, Gerry Hersey, Nancy Robart. Others: Ken and Kat Wells. The boundaries of the area were walked, minimal trash pick-up done. Presently the land is owned by the State of New Hampshire; the Town of Andover is interested in purchasing, awaiting decision by Executive Council. A wetland buffer of 50’ will be needed once Town of Andover assumes ownership.

Andover Beacon: Alan/Jesse to submit article/picture of the Mountain Brook Trail signage hike.