Andover Select Board Minutes July 6, 2022

Those present:  Select Board Chair Michelle Dudek, Select Board member James Delaney, Sr., Janet Moore, Highway Supervisor Frank Bryson, Todd Goings, Stephen Barton, Art Urie, John McDonald, Memphis Watson, Town Administrator Marjorie Roy.

Highway Supervisor Report

The Channel Road Culvert Project will cost approximately $10,000 which includes $2,690 for the metal to be used as plating.

As estimated at budget preparation time, the Fenvale Culvert Project will cost approximately $40,000 (from the Special Project budget line.) This project can wait no longer because the road will be lost at a much higher cost than that of the culvert.  Selectman Delaney moved that the project move forward.  Select Board Chair Dudek seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.

The public hearings for the sale of Town properties must be repeated because there was only one Select Board member present at both hearings.  A meeting is opened prior to the opening of a public hearing, and a quorum of the Board must be present to open any meeting.

The Select Board appointed Nancy Robart to the Planning Board.

Selectman Delaney reported that he did not have a report on the condition of the solid waste trailer because he is waiting to hear from Reed’s Trucking who did the inspection of the trailer.

The proposed well at the Transfer Station was next on the agenda. Cushing and Sons Well Company, the only company that responded to the Board’s request for quotes, told the Town they would not install running water upstairs in the new building, as originally planned, because there is no foundation under the building and pipes will freeze. Stephen Barton, who built the building stated there are several ways to keep the pipes from freezing, and he will get quotes from well companies.

There was general discussion among the Select Board, Town Administrator, and Highway Supervisor about the Fenvale project (previously mentioned in these minutes), paving an apron (funds to come from Special Projects budget line) and contracting the calcium application to the roads.  HealthTrust was also mentioned.