“Coffee with the Chief” Invites Residents to Meet New Fire Chief, Steve Barton

Thursday, February 16; 10 to 11 AM at the Hub

By Susan Chase

In February, the Andover Community Hub launches a new series, “Coffee with the Chief,” with an invitation to Steve Barton, Andover’s new Fire Chief, to join interested residents on Thursday, February 16, from 10 to 11 AM at the Hub for an informal cup of coffee and conversation.  It’s an opportunity for him to talk about anything going on in Andover’s Fire Department, as well as any potential winter fire hazards the department might like residents to be aware of.

The goal of the series is to invite a community “chief” or the head of a town commission, board, or office to meet with interested community members for an informal chat and neighborly Q and A session.  The monthly coffees will be held on the third Thursday of each month and offer an opportunity to discuss any new happenings, concerns, or information that the department, board, or committee represented that month might like to share with residents.

The Hub’s Board of Directors hopes that such a series will promote increased communication and an open two-way dialogue between residents and those who have leadership roles in the town of Andover.

The Hub is located at 157 Main Street, next to Pizza Chef.  The Hub’s ongoing coffee hour every Monday and Thursday from 10 to 11 AM is an opportunity for residents to drop in routinely for coffee, conversation, a game of cards, to work on a jigsaw puzzle, or to use the Hub’s internet.  For information about Hub programs and services, contact TheAndoverHub@nullgmail.com or 603 735-5509.