Hub Offers Another Chance to “Paint & Sip”

Advance registration - limited to 12

Press release

“Paint and Sip” will be offered again on Sunday, March 19, from 6 to 8 PM at The Andover Community Hub.This opportunity for a social evening with others, while also learning a thing or two about painting, will be taught by Andover artist Molly Leith.

Using a post-impressionist winter landscape by Canadian artist Jennifer Woodburn for inspiration, participants will have the opportunity to experiment with form, color value, and shading, while creating their own colorful landscape, and while having fun in the process.  

“Paint and Sip” is limited to 12 participants. Advance registration is required, and pre-payment guarantees a spot. The fee of $25 includes wine, soda, snacks, and art supplies.  To register, contact  Payment can be mailed to The Andover Hub, PO Box 157, Andover 03216, or dropped off in the mail slot to the right of The Hub’s front door at 157 Main Street in Andover, next to Pizza Chef.