Andover School Board Minutes – February 1, 2023

Condensed from approved Minutes:

In Person Board Present:
Aimee Menard, Dan Newton, Steve Chella, Kayla Chandler

Administration Present:
Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Dennis Dobe, Kathleen Boucher, Hilary Denoncourt, Beth Page, Dennis Audet

Public Present:
Michelle Dudek, Catherine Masterson, Jim O’Shaughnessy, Stephanie Bendixsen

Organizational Meeting for School District Meeting:

MacLean reported that the board will appoint a moderator pro tem, who will be Michelle Dudek. The team discussed how the School Board’s presentation will unfold. Dudek will reach out to research moderator scripts to ensure that all RSAs are followed.

An opening preamble will take place, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and possibly a short musical performance by students. MacLean recommended student artwork displayed in the main lobby, possibly some STEM projects.

The overall increase to this school budget is 0.09%. There is no bond to present. The board will be asking for unreserved fund balances to be allocated to the boiler fund. There is an Andover Education Support Staff contract being presented.

The team assigned board members to present each article. O’Shaughnessy discussed the rules in processing through each warrant. Article 3 and Article 5 are not amendable.

Roll Call and Call to Order:

 The Andover School Board  meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Board Chair, Aimee Menard with a roll call.

Minutes of Previous Meetings: 

For the minutes of 1/4/2023, Newton motioned to accept the minutes and Chandler made the second.  All others were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

Finance Report:

Denoncourt presented the finance report; there were no changes from last month. Chandler mentioned to accept the finance report, Chella seconded. All were in favor, the motion passed.



Bendixsen reported that the changing population has decreased Andover’s class size, which has put each grade to one class and one teacher. In the last two years, AEMS staff was trained on the RTI (Response to Intervention) model, which is an evidence based system to improve student learning. Bendixsen feels that the staffing model can be done next year; it’s being done now, but additional staff would be beneficial. MacLean reported that the public hearing has already happened so the only way to add staff to the budget would be at the annual meeting.

  Board Chair Report: 

The annual meeting is March 6 at 7 PM.

 Principal’s Report

Dobe spoke of the administrative team working to improve our process regarding attendance. School lunches are no longer free, which has caused some lunch accounts to be in arrears. Behavior management has taken a lot of work this school year, particularly in the younger grades. Dobe spoke about the snow day/ remote learning days, and the reports he’s receiving are that the attendance is good and the days are productive. The staffing model was reviewed, which includes one grant funded position for the remainder of this school year. Dobe spoke to Bendixsen’s feedback. We have a school spelling bee champion, Ellie Keyser, who will represent our school at the next championship. The ski and skate program has been successful. AE/MS’s physical education teacher Mrs. Manteau is engaging students in Jump Rope for Heart, an annual fundraising event. Ava Strahan is a member of Kid Governor, and will be attending events at the state capitol. Julianne Babel is running a Town Art Contest which is underway. The Middle School Team hosted a recent middle school dance, we are very grateful for their volunteer efforts for these activities.

Page spoke to the current staffing model. Three out of four of AE/MS’s Academic Interventionist Staff have full special education caseloads, and one staff member is split between special ed and Title I. The FTA’s next fundraiser is underway, for valentines, and future projects are in the works. The Outing Club plans to host their next event at the indoor climbing gym in March after the ski/ skate program.

Audet is wondering when the district should source bids for the boiler project. MacLean recommended getting bids after the annual meeting. Door locks cannot be installed over February vacation because the supplies have not yet been received, so these will be installed over April vacation. For Get the Lead Out, paperwork has been submitted to the state, and lead test kits have been received. Starting tomorrow, the water will be tested for lead.

 Old Business:

Chandler moved to approve the school calendar as proposed for 2023-2024, Newton seconded. Wormald reviewed the two options being considered regarding where the professional development places will fall in the school calendar. Staff are overwhelmingly in favor of the schedule proposed, which includes more professional development days at the beginning of the school year. Menard discussed whether the board should consider waiving days. Wormald reported that the calendar is hours-based, and Andover is well over the hours needed to meet state criteria. Any student day that is waived will become a teacher professional development day. All were in favor, the motion passed.

New Business;

Newton motioned to approve the 2023 annual meeting warrant, Chandler seconded. All were in favor, the motion passed.

Chandler motioned to name Michelle Dudek as Andover’s Moderator pro tem, Chella seconded. All were in favor, the motion passed.

 Manifest Journal Entries:

Newton made the motion to approve the manifests, Chandler made the second. All were in favor and the journal entries were approved.

Superintendent’s Report

MacLean reported that there are currently approximately 200 LSRs being proposed and monitored in the New Hampshire House. MacLean and Wormald will be traveling to San Antonio later in the month, to the ASA National Conference on Education. The team is gearing up for annual meetings, and support future transitions for students and for staffing changes within the SAU.

 Assistant Superintendent’s Report:

Wormald presented to superintendents within the state about Artificial Intelligence being used for creative writing; passages using this tech can go undetected by professional institutions. 


Chandler made the motion to adjourn at 7:15 PM. Newton seconded. Menard closed the meeting. 

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Page