AE/MS Eighth Graders Watch Franklin Peers Launch Rockets

By Kasey Schoch
Eighth graders Lissa Teeter, Maykla Martin, Victoria Koran, Addison Bickford, Talia Hardy, Connor Lawrence, Isaac Norris, Wyatt Barton, Caden Bendixson, and Colin Murphy watch their fellow middle schoolers launch rockets in Franklin as part of their space exploration unit in Science class. This was followed by all AE/MS middle school students heading to Smitty’s to watch Hidden Figures, which they read with their reading teacher in conjunction with the science unit. Students were also able to make some connections in their social studies class and will work on a related writing piece with their writing teacher. It also put their math class into a real world view. This is one example of the AE/MS middle school team working together to enhance learning and engage students. Caption and photo: Kasey Schoch