June News from the South Danbury Church

Humanities funded event on June 23 at 6 PM

By Linda Wilson

Sunday worship at the South Danbury Church is at 11 AM, and all are welcome.

On Friday, June 23, at 6 PM, the South Danbury Church will host “Range the Wild Woods Over: Loggers’ Songs and Stories,” a New Hampshire Humanities event presented by folklorist Jeff Warner. Loggers at the turn of the 20th century cut the timber that built and warmed our houses, and provided the ties for America’s ever-expanding railroads. Timber established Portsmouth, Portland and Bangor as important ports, sending New England lumber around the world.

Jeff will share the songs and stories of the people who worked the wintry woods, showing their humor and grit, and giving us a glimpse into everyday life in long ago lumber camps. The event is free and open to the public; reservations are not required. For more information about New Hampshire Humanities programs, visit nhhumanities.org.

For church news, programs, events, and announcements of worship services, follow us on Facebook at “Friends of the South Danbury Christian Church,” watch for the outdoor sign at the church, call/text 603 744-8073, or email southdanburychurch@nullgmail.com. If you would like to be on our mailing list, send us an email. Please contact us if you need a ride to attend worship or events. We’ll be happy to help.

South Danbury Church – 1411 U.S. Route 4 in South Danbury, NH 03230.

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ, UCC.
Our church is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.