Neighbors Share Recipes: Shaker Pickles

Shake your way to great pickles

By Lorna Carlisle
Lorna Carlisle’s Shaker Pickles

These are not called Shaker Pickles because of the religious group, but because you shake the jar for seven days. I don’t like to process in a hot water bath because I think the pickles become soft. I like crunchy! 

Shaker Pickles
1 gallon sliced cucumbers (about 7–8, depending on size)
3 cups white vinegar
3 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. mustard seed
1 tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. canning salt
1 tsp. turmeric
2–3 sliced onions (optional)

Put in glass jar, keep refrigerated, and shake every day for a week. Keeps months in the refrigerator. Stays crunchy.