Caring Friend Appeals to Community to Help A Neighbor

We are lucky to live in a small town

By Liz Wolf
Liz Wolf shot this photo of a rainbow appearing to end on Loon Island. She titled it “Pot of Gold on Loon Island

I grew up in a small town. Looking back now, I realize how incredibly lucky I was to experience neighbors waving to neighbors, knowing the guy behind the deli counter was also Johnny, the guy who drove your school bus, and people coming together in a crisis. It’s time to come together now.

Jenny Bodwell and Scott Kidder have been active members of the Andover community for years.  Along with raising two young girls, Jenny worked full time and is a member of the Andover Conservation Commission. Scott is a graduate of AE/MS and Proctor Academy and is going on his 18th year with the Andover Fire Department and eight years as an EMS. You would recognize him for being at the Chicken BBQ or the Christmas tree sale, for well over 25 years.

I met Scott after moving next door to Scott’s parents, Roger and Kitty Kidder. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as far as community service goes. Roger and Kitty have helped the town of Andover with the countless hours dedicated to making it better for all of us. Heck, Kitty was even Grand Marshall of our Fourth of July Parade! 

Jenny and Scott were vacationing in Nova Scotia with their young girls in August 2023 when Jenny became so ill she needed to go to the Emergency Room. In a short time, the doctors found a growth on her liver. They rushed home.

Jenny was given the diagnosis of Stage 3b Hepatocellular carcinoma. She has a 10.5 cm mass with tumor thrombus invasion into both branches of the portal vein.  Thankfully, there have been great strides in treating this cancer, but it is surely not an easy battle.

The best treatment available is in the Big Town, Boston, at Mass General Hospital. They have an incredible radiation machine to zap the tumor, and Jenny has started two different types of immunotherapy.  So take THAT, cancer! “Driving into Boston isn’t bad,” says Scott. “Until the last 3/10 of a mile. ARGGGG!”

Jenny and Scott are humble and haven’t asked for help, but people from this small town (and many others) have rallied together, asking how they can help this couple.  Jenny’s company has put together a wonderful food train and donated dozens of paid time off hours as she is too ill to work currently.  Unfortunately, the PTO has been exhausted. The Garden Club spent a couple of days weeding and harvesting from their garden which was greatly appreciated. If anyone has other ideas, please feel free to contact me at

In the interim, if you’d like to help financially, Scott’s venmo is @Scott-Kidder-8.  The Hub has offered to collect pre-paid gas cards and supermarket cards. Just put them in an envelope with “Jenny and Scott” on the outside and drop them in The Hub mailbox. It will get to them. If you’d like to make an anonymous donation, please feel free to contact me at and we can discuss how to make that happen.

The Kidder and Bodwell Family thank you for all your thoughts, prayers and good wishes.