Andover School Board meeting minutes

Press release

Andover School Board Meeting  October 3, 2023

Condensed from approved minutes:

The  meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Board Chair, Aimee Menard.

Board Members Present: Kayla Chandler, Aimee Menard, Dan Newton
Administration Present: Dennis Audet, Kathleen Boucher, Hilary Denoncourt, Dennis Dobe, Catherine Masterson, Beth Page, Randy Wormald
Public Present: Donna Crisp Duclos

Minutes of Previous Meetings:
For the Public Session of September 5, 2023, Chandler motioned to accept the minutes, and Newton made the second. All others were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

Finance Report:
Overages within the budget are due to services and grounds. The ground overages will be reimbursed once work is completed. The SAU is working on what the fund balance will be. Chandler motioned to approve the finance report, Newton seconded. All were in favor, the motion passed.

Public Comment:  

Donna Duclos reported that the federal government is giving money to schools in order to give free lunch to all students. Wormald reported that NH submitted a waiver to the federal government to receive benefits from this program, and the results of this waiver will be revealed on October 26. Andover will qualify if the waiver is accepted.

Duclos asked about the timeline regarding a budget proposal by the school board. Denoncourt expects that the school budget will be ready to present to the Budget Committee in December.

Board Chair Report:
Nothing new to report.

Principal’s Report:
Audet reported that the progress of the boiler project is going very well. The boilers are all installed. There are some parts still in transit for the tanks and should be received soon. In the next few weeks, AE/MS will be able to test the boilers. Once the system is up and running, the old oil will have to be pumped out and removed, which may be an additional cost.
Chandler asked if the air conditioning had been repaired. Audet responded.

Old Business:
No old business to review.

New Business:
The board reviewed JICD (Student Discipline and Due Process), and the only changes proposed to this policy are to modernize the language. Dobe spoke to the timeline expected within this policy regarding parent notifications. Parent notification will happen immediately before and up to 24 hours in advance of a placement shift. Chandler motioned to accept the proposed changes, Newton made the second. All were in favor, the motion passed.

The board reviewed ACN (Accommodations for Nursing Mothers). Chandler motioned to approve the Policy accommodations for nursing mothers and waive a second reading.

All were in favor, the motion passed.

Manifest Journal Entries:
Chandler made the motion to approve the manifests, Newton made the second. All were in favor, and the journal entries were approved.


Superintendent’s Report:
Wormald reported that due to First Student staffing issues, AE/MS may see that bus routes are impacted.
Wormald read a letter announcing Gretchen Hildebrand’s retirement, achieving her goal of supporting the last of the COVID affected students through second grade. Hildebrand has worked in education for 47 years, and AE/MS has been very fortunate to benefit from most of that tenure.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report:

Masterson reported that she has attended a number of training sessions to support her knowledge around the legal aspects of education and how that relates to the SAU.

Non-Public Session -RSA 91-A:311K
Session made the motion to go into Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:311K at 5:45 PM. Newton made the second.
Discussion of personnel.


Return to the Public Session: 
Action from Non-Public Session – none
Motion to leave non-public by Chandler, seconded by Newton at 5:55 PM.

Adjournment: 5:55 PM

.Andover Elementary/Middle School
October 3, 2023 Meeting Minutes