Highway Garage Construction Project Reaches Milestone

Topping-off ceremony held November 20

By Dana Swenson
The Andover Highway Department garage construction project reached a milestone with the topping-off ceremony held on November 20. Photo: Dana Swenson

In a significant step toward the completion of the Highway Department garage, a topping-off ceremony was held on November 20. The event marked the placement of the final structural element, symbolizing the project’s progress and a significant achievement for the community.

Select Board members, construction workers, and community members gathered to witness the culmination of dedicated work on the new Highway Department facility. The topping-off ceremony, a tradition in construction, represents the successful completion of the building’s structural phase. In keeping with tradition, an evergreen tree is raised at one end of the final beam and an American flag at the other end.

During the ceremony, Les Fenton, the Clerk of the Works, expressed his gratitude to the construction team and emphasized the collaborative effort that has brought the project to this stage. Les also highlighted the positive impact the new garage will have on the community, emphasizing its role in supporting infrastructure maintenance and public safety.

As construction moves into the next phase, attention will shift to the interior build-out and the installation of specialized equipment. The Highway Department anticipates that the new garage will be fully operational by the summer of 2024, providing an upgraded and efficient space to serve the community for years to come.

The topping-off ceremony not only signifies a major construction milestone but also serves as a moment of pride for the community, showcasing our progress and commitment to advancing local infrastructure.