Film Writer Chooses Tucker Mountain School for Filming

Little Bunker Hill was written by Matt Gill

By Donna Baker-Hartwell
A film crew films Little Bunker Hill, an independent feature film written and directed by Matt Gill and co-produced by Abyn Reabe. The Andover Historical Society’s Tucker Mountain School House provided the perfect setting. Photo: Dylan Ricci

In early January, a film crew of about 18 spent two days at the Tucker Mountain School House. Members were from all over New England and included actors and actresses from Boston and New York City. It is my understanding that most, if not all, volunteered their time to work on this film. They planned to spend 10 days filming at several sites in the area.

Abyn Reabe, co-producer, wrote, “Little Bunker Hill is an independent feature film written and directed by Matt Gill. Set in New Hampshire in 1844, the remaining members of a utopian commune prepare for their yearly winter party when an unexpected guest threatens to unravel their carefully arranged social fabric.”

Members of the cast and crew relax in Donna Baker-Hartwell’s living room during filming of Little Bunker Hill. The Tucker Mountain School House was chosen as the perfect setting. Photo: Donna Baker-Hartwell

The first morning was cold, with eight inches of newly fallen snow. The crew had to first shovel a path to the steps of the schoolhouse. The set designer put up muslim curtains in the classroom windows as tech people brought in cameras, sound equipment, and battery-operated lights. They were delighted with the offer to borrow items in the Andover Historical Society’s collection, including old schoolbooks, a hickory stick, inkwells, and quill pens.

While the stage was being set, cast members, dressed in period costumes, kept warm at our residence, one mile down the road from the school. They were shuttled back and forth between the warm house and the cold classroom throughout the day and practiced their lines with one another in our living room. Abyn doubled as a chef and prepared hot nutritious meals for the crew. It was delightful to spend two days watching each member perform their role with such dedication and care.

The producers expect the film to be completed by the end of the year. The Andover Historical Society wishes them success. Wouldn’t it be thrilling to see it at Red River Theatre or, perhaps, The Hop at Dartmouth!