After an unexpected delay, our townwide resident opinion survey is now live and ready for action! Just use the link or QR code to start the survey: surveymonkey.com/r/AndoverNH2023
We designed the survey to be completable in about 10 minutes on a phone, tablet, laptop, or computer. Your opinion on each question matters; however, you may choose to answer questions out of order or leave questions blank. Just remember to click “Done” at the bottom of the last page to submit your responses.
We wish to receive responses from across the entire town and from a variety of viewpoints, so please share, chat, or post this opportunity with your Andover friends and neighbors. The survey will remain open through the end of February.
While completing the survey electronically online is preferred, hardcopy versions are available at the Town Office. Many thanks to those who participated in meetings over the past summer and fall to shape the questions and carefully review the content of our Master Plan survey.
If you have questions about this survey or the ongoing Master Plan update, you may email 2023survey@nullandover-nh.gov or review earlier articles in the Beacon at this link: andoverbeacon.com/?s=master+plan+2023.