Andover School Board Minutes

December 5, 2023

By Beth Page

December 5th, 2023 – 5:30PM


Condensed from approved minutes.

Board members present: Kayla Chandler, Steve Chella, Aimee Menard, Dan Newton
Administration Present: Dennis Audet, Hilary Denoncourt, Catherine Masterson, Beth Page, Randy Wormald
Public Present: None

  1. Finance Report

The overages are similar to last month. The first line for special education overages should be
associated with behavioral services. The team has been working on the budget. 


  1. Board Chairperson’s Report
    Tomorrow the SAU Board will meet at MVHS at 6 PM. The Board will present the proposed 2024-2025 budget to the Budget Committee on December 13, at 6 PM.

  2. New Business
    The district has received a retirement notification from Principal Dennis Dobe. Wormald intends to begin the hiring process for this integral position soon.

  3. Superintendent’s Report 

Wormald attended a recent conference discussing Artificial Intelligence and how it relates to
education, and will be representing New Hampshire at an upcoming conference.


  1. Assistant Superintendent’s Report

Masterson spent some time at AE/MS working with Page, and AE/MS’s two Curriculum Area Leaders in Reading and Math. Masterson is looking forward to supporting this discussion effort going forward.