Andover Fire Department Uses Call Sign 31 for Identification

By Meghan Barton
Someone asked recently, “What does the 31 mean?” We are 31! Andover Fire Department.

Each town has a call sign they use when identifying themselves when they are on the radio. Each time they respond to an emergency, Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid will dispatch the call, in turn the call goes across the pager. When our department responds back to LRMFA, they will use 31 ( our community of Andover) followed by a letter and number. The number 31 followed by C1, would recognize the Fire Chief.  The letter C this time recognizes an officer of the fire department. They also use a call sign such as 31E2. 31E2 signifies our Andover Fire Engine 2. Each piece of our apparatus has its own identification letter and number. And just to make this all a little more confusing, Andover EMS is 32! Caption and photo: Meghan Barton