Wilmot Historical Society Puts Warrant on Town Ballot

Press release

At a public meeting on February 13, the Wilmot Historical Society (WHS) gave a PowerPoint
presentation showing how they might collaborate with the Town of Wilmot regarding use of the town’s property at 14 North Wilmot Road. Because of a previous mandate, the voters must decide how this land will be used.

To this end, a warrant article has been submitted to be voted on at the upcoming Town Meeting on March 14. No tax dollars are requested. The entire project will be funded by the Historical Society.

For many years, the Society has been searching for a new space to house its growing collection. The original plan was to take over the old schoolhouse where both the Historical Society and the Town Offices now reside. That plan has not materialized.

Plans to buy properties in Wilmot Flat over the past 10 years were unsuccessful. The single room in the Town Office building is no longer sufficient to house the collection and has
overflowed into a storage unit where the collection is inaccessible to the public. Rather than
paying storage fees every year, the WHS Board decided it is time to build.

Another strong motivator recently is a large bequest designated solely for the building fund.
The Society would like to locate the building in a historic area, and the town-owned land at 14 North Wilmot Road in Wilmot Center Village would be the perfect spot.

The building would have an appropriately designed exterior that would complement the adjacent historic properties at the location. It would have a footprint of roughly 30 X 60 feet (similar to the Town Hall) with some additional land for landscaping. This footprint would occupy a very small portion of the total lot and allow ample parking for Town Hall, Library, voting, and church events.

All of these plans are contingent upon the results of an engineering study that will be done by WHS once they have the approval of the Town. All building will be done in an environmentally sensitive way, i.e., previous material used for the parking area and sustainable materials for the building.

The Wilmot Historical Society is looking forward to working with the Town of Wilmot and its
citizens to arrive at an agreement that would not only enhance the historic appearance of Wilmot Center, but provide a space for learning and preserving Wilmot’s rich history.

For more information please contact Board President Liz Kirby, at 603 496-4883 or email