The Andover Democratic Committee will host journalist and former NH Senator Jeanne Dietsch on Thursday, March 21, at 7 PM at The Andover Community Hub. Senator Dietsch is a mother of two and former tech entrepreneur. In 2018, after selling her last company, she made a surprise win in a difficult NH Senate District, serving for two years. After losing the next election, and wanting the next generation to have the same opportunities as she had, she began investigating why the State of New Hampshire had changed so much since she moved here 40 years ago. Her investigations revealed that a national libertarian PAC made 113 of its 235 candidate endorsements in the tiny state of New Hampshire. Why?
The answer to that question is the subject of Senator Dietsch’s talk. She will trace the individuals and groups working from around the US to help Free Staters and like-minded Libertarians take control of state, county and town governments. She will describe how her discovery compelled her to found the pro-democracy nonprofit Granite State Matters and to write the report “New Hampshire: Battleground in the Fight to Dismantle Democracy.”
Following Senator Dietsch’s talk, there will be an opportunity for discussion and questions. A limited quantity of her published report in booklet form will be distributed to attendees on a first-come basis, and Senator Dietsch has graciously agreed to sign them. All area residents are
welcome, and refreshments will be served.
We look forward to an enlightening presentation and discussion. The Hub is located at 157 Main Street and is an accessible building open to all.