On February 16 and 17, Proctor Academy’s Performing Arts Department produced the musical Mean Girls: The Musical for the Proctor and local community. For the past three months, the cast and crew have been hard at work stepping into their roles, learning their lines, building an amazing set, working out kinks in lighting, sound, and costume design, and experiencing the depth of learning opportunities that come only through theater. Under the direction of Amy Mathison, the cast (including a number of faculty and staff) and crew have produced a show that made the audience laugh, cry, and have faith in how friendships can evolve over time.
Andover natives Violet Kraft-Lund Marley ‘24, Em Hackmann ‘24, Paige Makechnie ‘25, Ozzy Labrie ‘26, Brennan Dunklee ‘27, and Gypsy Verite ‘27 were a part of a tremendous cast and crew that included eight more faculty and staff as actors as well. Kudos to all who were involved in the production, including music director Alyssa Costa, costume designer Joan Saunders, technical director Starr Fair, and sound designer Seth Currier ‘95 for their guidance and leadership. Read more about Proctor’s production of Mean Girls: The Musical on Proctor’s website: www.proctoracademy.org/explore-proctor/the-buzz.