Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to welcome The Beacon’s expansion to our area! Watch as complimentary copies of the newspaper start popping up in all the towns around our mountains.
The Beacon shines a light on area events and happenings, both in and all around the Kearsarge region. Below are a sample of interesting things to do among our community resources and Chamber Members for the month of March:

Soul Source, in the center of Bradford, is sadly closing down their house goods store as of March 2. Everything must go, so come take advantage of some great deals! Hours now through March 2 are Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 11 AM to 4 PM. info@nullsoulsourcenh.com 603 620-1863. While you are in town checking out the bargains, stop in at Sweet Beet Market and Cafe.
Celebrate Warner’s 250th birthday all year! In March, Maple Weekend, March 16 and 17, you will find sugarhouses of all types open and boiling sap. The 250th Birthday Committee will be serving breakfast in the Town Hall, from 7:30 to 11 AM. The Warner Historical Society is sponsoring a syrup tasting contest from 9 AM to 3 PM, also at the Town Hall on Saturday.
If you need a break from the sticky sweet stuff, stop in for a quick bite at Warner’s Charlie Mac’s Pizzeria or treat yourself to The Local, just two doors down. A little farther up Main Street brings you to Café One East. Stop in for some delicious fresh baked goodies and the best coffee and tea in the area, served with a smile.
Reed’s North is just across the street, now offering “Tavern Nights” on Saturdays, and a delicious brunch menu on Sunday, 8 AM to 2 PM. Check out each of these wonderful businesses on their Facebook pages for the latest temptations.
Maple Weekend will be celebrated throughout the Kearsarge area, as well as state-wide. Check out the NHMapleProducers.com website to find a sugarhouse near you. Many of the open sugarhouses will also have yummy treats to share, and of course, plenty of maple products for sale.
Perhaps at this time of year you’re missing those wonderful yard sales and flea markets of summer? No need to wait – Warner Indoor Flea Market on Kearsarge Mountain Road in Warner is open year-round on Saturdays, 8 AM to 3 PM, and Sundays, 8 AM to 2 PM. In Contoocook, you can find an Indoor Flea Market on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the American Legion, 169 Bound Tree Road, Contoocook.