Andover Pulls Off Another Successful Election

Thank you to dozens of election volunteers

By Lee Wells

Thanks to the efforts of so many — the AE/MS team, our Town Hall team, and dozens of election volunteers — the Town and School District elections went off smoothly and flawlessly on March 12. If you’d like to see the complete results, including all the write-ins and the tally of under- and over-votes, please see the Town’s website. Congratulations to the winners of this year’s contests:

Select Board (1 year): Pecco Beaufays
Select Board (3 years): Charles Stewart, Dana Swenson
Town Treasurer (2 years): Kayla Chandler
Budget Committee (3 years): Mark Cowdry, Janet Moore

Supervisor of the Checklist (6 years): Cindy Benson
Cemetery Trustee (1 year): Susan K. Huntoon
Library Trustee (3 years): Caroline Moulton Ratzki, Tina Nussbaum Wagler
Trustee of Trust Funds (3 years): Jeffery A. Dickinson

School Board (3 years): Lisa Burbach, Daniel Newton
School Treasurer (1 year): Deborah Converse