Big Sale to Clean Out the Freight House

Saturday & Sunday, May 25 & 26, 9 AM-1 PM

Press release
The Andover Historical Society’s freight shed in Potter Place.

The Andover Historical would like to thank everyone for all of the wonderful donations that have been given over the years. Unless an item has  historical background, we have decided to discontinue taking items for our Freight House. We are planning a big sale to clean out the Freight House on our Opening Weekend, May 25 and May 26 from 9 AM-1 PM. Items in the Freight House will be sold by donation.

We are going to use the space to store and display many of the railroad items and old tools from our archives and to have more historic exhibits and other uses for the space. In addition, plans are to establish a restoration workshop area to work on things that need to be fixed.